Splash Productions Recording Studios Opened Their doors to the Public to allow Kids and Adults to realise their dreams and fulfil the dream of becoming a Pop Star.
Being a pop star means more than smiling for the camera and going on fancy vacations. It means putting in a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to make music that moves people and to perform to the best of your ability. It means forgetting what the tabloids say and working hard to make connections, promote yourself, and always take your music and your moves to the next level. Think you've got what it takes to be a pop star? Well It All Starts at Splash Productions...

Let's Start Your 2 Mins To Be A Pop Star: Lets See If Your Pop Star Material:
Are You Ambitious
Are You Confident
Are You A Good Singer
Are You Good At Net Working
Are You A Hard Worker
Do You Love To Sing
If the answer is YES then move straight to Simon Cowell's office
If the answer is NO to any of these then you need to call Splash Productions where our Music Tuition will allow you to perfect your art in Singing or playing an instrument whilst you grow in confidence and learn how to perform and make your first music video free as part of your course. Our 2 Track Recording will allow you to start recording and perfecting being in the studio and getting comfortable in listening to your own voice again growing in confidence. Our Pop Star Video Service allows you to create proper green screen visuals and high quality HD Music Videos to allow you to start your brand and get your platform started on YouTube giving you an invaluable start.
